Academic Research
Dr. Rob Horowitz, “English Language Acquisition through Dance and Theater: Impact and Pathways” presented at the AERA National Conference ©2018
Dr. Rob Horowitz. “PD-DELLTA NYSESLAT Analysis: Does PD-DELLTA Support English Language Acquisition?” (date)
Dr. Rob Horowitz & Elizabeth Beauburn, “Connections: Developing English Language Literacy Through the Arts — Research and Evaluation of the ArtsConnection DELLTA Programs”
Practitioner Research
Success Story: Digital DELLTA ©2017
Video: NEA Arts & Human Development Task Force Webinar ©2014
Carol Morgan & Jennifer Stengel-Mohr, “Language at the Core: Developing Meaningful Connections between the Arts and Classroom Instruction” NYS 99 TESOL Journal Vol. 1, No. 1, ©January 2014.
Foundational Research
Rob Horowitz, “What You See is What You Get: The Development of an Observational Strategy.” The Contours of Inclusion: Frameworks and Tools for Evaluating Arts in Education. ©2008
Barbara Rich Ed.D., “Partnering Arts Education: A Working Model from ArtsConnection”. New York: The Dana Foundation ©2005.
Critical Links-Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development. Essay by Rob Horowitz and Jaci Webb-Dempsey, “Promising Signs of Positive Effects: Lessons from the Multi-Arts Studies.” ©2002
Champions of Change–The Impact of the Arts on Learning. Essay by Judith Burton, Rob Horowitz and Hal Abeles, “Learning In and Through the Arts: Curriculum Implications. ©1999
Formative Assessment in the Arts
Christopher Valle, Heidi Andrade, Joanna Hefferen, “Applications of Peer Assessment and Self-Assessment in Music,” National Association of Music Education ©2016
Fei Chen, Heidi Andrade, Joanna Hefferen, Maria Palma, “Formative Assessment in Theatre Education,” Drama Research ©2015
Heidi Andrade, Joanna Hefferen, and Maria Palma, “Formative Assessment in the Visual Arts,” used with permission of the National Art Education Association ©2014