We are thrilled to be included in this extraordinary list of essential NYC cultural groups as a recipient of the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs’ Cultural Development Fund (CDF)!  This year, over $58 million was awarded to more than 1,000 cultural groups across the five boroughs, representing an investment made on behalf of all New Yorkers in these organizations and our work. With record funding from Mayor Eric Adams and City Council, DCLA awarded the most funding to the largest-ever number of cultural organizations, which include major boosts for smaller groups and organizations led by people of color, as well as groups that are receiving City support for the first time.  For us, this CDF grant will support Education through the Arts programming, ArtsConnection’s full complement of classroom-based and out-of-school-time arts education programs reaching public school students across NYC. Programs encompass experiential learning in music, dance, theater, media, visual arts, curatorial studies, art criticism, multidisciplinary artmaking, and will enable teens to create pathways to arts-related professions.