Debra Harounian Peltz, Chairman of ArtsConnection’s Board of Directors, reflected on Steve’s leadership:
Steve’s long stewardship of ArtsConnection, growing the organization into the premier provider of arts education services to New York City’s public school students, as well his impact on the larger arts education field, is unparalleled. Over his tenure, the organization has reached millions of children and teens, enhancing their intellectual, social and emotional skills. With unprecedented success in winning US Department of Education arts education research grants under his leadership—13 in total—more than any other non-profit or school district in the country, ArtsConnection has proved the impact of the arts on students’ educational success. Beyond the walls of ArtsConnection, Steve’s voice and ideas have garnered respect as a contributor to the dialogue and policy decisions about arts for our schools.
ArtsConnection’s Board of Directors has activated a Transition Committee, and an active search to find a new Executive Director has begun. They expect to have a new Executive Director in place by the beginning of the new school year in September.