Presented through Governors Island Arts, the seasonal Organizations in Residence initiative is an annual program that selects nonprofits from across the city to present public programs in an historic home on the Island. We will be open to the public every weekend from May 7th through November 5th and have special programming during our residency.
Currently on exhibit
“Naked : Truth”
Curated by this year’s Teens Curate Teens (TCT) cohort who studied the art of curating in their semester-long program. Naked : Truth showcases the interests and concerns of young people, the exhibit theme “The Body. Your Interpretation. Your Voice” explores aspects that drive personality and self-identity “making you the person you are.” The theme was informed and inspired by the results from a fall survey sent out to teens throughout NYC. Past TCT exhibits have explored themes like teen mental health, gun violence, Black Lives Matter, climate change, and more.
Our programming includes:
TEENS CURATE TEENS (TCT): a free out-of-school program for NYC high school artists and curators to produce a public art exhibition showcasing the interests and concerns of young people. [more]
ARTIST RESIDENCIES: Featuring artists from our roster teaching artists, and staff; Artists-in-residence will utilize our house on Governors Island for their artistic practices and hold open studios for the public. These residences will be a mix of month-long studio residences during which our artists will work on their artistic projects and will all feature a public event, or open studio, and one-off special events or performances.
MAP FREE CITY: a free summer program for NYC teens explores the arts across the city. Participants learn critical writing and produce media content. [more]