Building Collaboration through Peer Feedback

Students in Carol and Colin’s class have begun to choreograph dance pieces, midway through their dance residency with teaching artists Kim Grier and Nami Kagami.

In this video, one group shares and receives feedback for the first time from their peers and a teacher. We see the dance again two weeks later, influenced by the feedback, and the next round of feedback from students and artists.

The video show examples of:

• strength-oriented feedback that is specific and useful offered by different kinds of learners in an ICT class

• roles adults can play in modelling feedback and helping students envision possibilities for their piece from feedback

• examples of four boys highly engaged in dance

The video includes commentary and explanation of the value and structure of this process from students and adults.


Grier and Kagami offer a 17 week dance residency in 3, 4 and 5th grade to all Earth School students.


  • Provide opportunities to observe and describe dance before peer feedback begins.

  • Develop positive sentence starters with students. Always begin with compliments.

  • “Compliments”= Describing Strengths. Help students be specific.