It has been an incredible 2015-2016 school year here at ArtsConnection. Our 147 talented and inspiring teaching artists worked in 125 public schools in all five boroughs. Highlights of the year include: elementary school students from the Bronx meeting Justice Sonia Sotomayor in Washington D.C. and teens visiting with The New Yorker editor David Remnick. We also kicked-off theCareers-in-Theater pilot program for high school students at P94 The Spectrum School, and completed the second year of BRIDGES, our early elementary professional development program; our after-school program,School’s Out NYC (SONYC) supported by the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development, at MS 266 in Brooklyn; and Digital DELLTA, our middle school dance and theater initiative for English language learners. In the past year, 50,000 New York City children played instruments, danced and sang on stage, made puppets of all shapes and sizes, attended Broadway and off-Broadway shows, attended museum exhibitions, painted, created sculptures, wrote lyrics, plays and poetry, and exhibited their work to the public. Students exceeded their own expectations and impressed their teachers and parents and made them proud. Most of all, students discovered that with practice and determination, they can accomplish anything. Happy Summer!

Dance residency students from PS 382 in the Bronx, led by teaching artist Yvette Martinez, were invited to a private meeting with Supreme Court Justice and Bronx native Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Before their Washington D.C. trip, MS 382 students created their own masks and performed Afro-Caribbean and Mexican folk dances

Media TRaC visit with editor David Remnick at The New Yorker office

David and Media TRaC teens joined by instructor Brian McCormick, Program Manager Keonna Hendrick and Board Chair Lisa Plepler

Music TRaC participants and instructor Keenan Higgins celebrating the opening of Teens Curate Teens 2016 (TCT): Where You Been? The event and program was co-sponsored by The Dedalus Foundation

Visual Arts TRaC instructor Nate Sensel with his group of TCT 2016 curators

MS 266 in Brooklyn performing Once on this Island Jr.

BRIDGES professional development program develops early childhood literacy through puppetry

Dance residency at The Earth School on the Lower East Side performing for their families, peers and City Council Member Rosie Mendez

Teaching artist Lindsay MacNaughton captures her Digital DELLTA students’ tableau at IS 77 in Queens