Native New Yorker Brian McCormick caught the “artist bug” as a teenager. He discovered his talent and love of theater as a junior artist with the Port Washington Play Troupe, spending summers acting, singing and dancing. Brian didn’t pursue a career in the performing arts; however, his passion for the arts led him to an […]
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Sharing the Value of Arts Education
Our mission is to ensure the arts are an essential part of education. One of the ways we achieve this is to help inform the field of arts education locally, nationally and beyond by conducting, reporting and disseminating research and communicating the value of arts education. On April 13, ArtsConnection and the Dedalus Foundation are […]
Artist Spotlight: Laura Borgwardt
Theater professional Laura Borgwardt has a calling for working with artists and students with special needs. Not only did she co-found a nonprofit that provides a creative and social outlet through the arts to individuals with developmental disabilities, she is also an ArtsConnection master teaching artist making a huge impact on elementary and high school […]
Tags: artist spotlight news theater
Digital DELLTA
Carol Morgan, ArtsConnection’s Deputy Director for Education and Joanna Hefferen, Director of Professional Development, are in Washington D.C. today participating in the US Department of Education’s Arts in Education (AIE) annual grantee conference, Forecast: A Well-Rounded Education With Sustainable Arts Learning. Our Digital DELLA program will be featured as Joanna presents as part of the […]
Providing Access and Equity to the Arts for New York City’s Children
Never have innovation and creativity been more important in preparing our City’s young people. In-school, afterschool…
Artist Spotlight: Kim Grier-Martinez
Ms. Kim, as she’s known to her young students, is a force to be reckoned with. Disciplined and caring, ArtsConnection teaching artist and Rod Rodgers Dance Artistic Director Kim Grier-Martinez has the ability to transform a classroom of students into a company of dancers. Her artistic roots and aspiration to work with young people began at […]
School’s OUT, but the arts are definitely still IN!
It has been an incredible 2015-2016 school year here at ArtsConnection. Our 147 talented and inspiring teaching artists worked in 125 public schools in all five boroughs. Highlights of the year include: elementary school students from the Bronx meeting Justice Sonia Sotomayor in Washington D.C. and teens visiting with The New Yorker editor David Remnick. We also kicked-off theCareers-in-Theater pilot program for high school […]
2016 Benefit Celebration – A Smashing Success!
Dear Friends, Monday night’s ArtsConnection gala was a truly fabulous evening: we surpassed our fundraising goal, and, most importantly, celebrated the many accomplishments of our students, teachers, artists and honorees to close our year on a high note! We are so grateful to everyone who helped make this event possible. Our incredible honorees, Golden Globe […]
Council Member Rosie Mendez visits The Earth School and P94M High School Explore Careers in Theater
MAKING CONNECTIONS THROUGH DANCE AT THE EARTH SCHOOL The spring semester is off to a great start with our 115 schools! This month, District 2 Council Member Rosie Mendez, who generously provided support for our dance program at The Earth School in the East Village, attended a performance showcasing work from the fall semester. During […]
On Edutopia: Learning to Work and Think Like an Artist
The artists and staff at ArtsConnection have engaged in inquiries for well over a decade into the nature of teaching and learning in the arts and their influence on other areas of learning. Most of our practitioner research has focused on dance, theater, and their influence on literacy and language acquisition, especially among English-language learners. […]