Tag Archives | grade 4

students laughing and participating

Yes, and…

Teaching Artist Tarik Davis works with ELA teachers at PS 153q in Maspeth, Queens NY to help ELL students take risks speaking English through rehearsal and performance by saying “Yes, and…” in improvisation.   By building details together and engaging in peer feedback, fourth grade students build original scenes for presentation.  

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students dancing on stage

Developing Artistic Voice through Improvisation

In Kim and Nami’s 4/5th grade dance residency, the artists provide students with a clear artistic process to help students develop their own improvisations. This structured step-by-step process frees students to work through artistic problems independently, putting the power in the students to explore movement freely, make artistic choices and decide how to develop their […]

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239Q Charting Revision photo

Using a Feedback Chart for Revisions in Theater

Fourth grade students in Chris Heller’s theater residency at PS 239q devise scenes based on The Private Notebook of Katie Roberts, Age 11, a text from the curriculum. Throughout the process students share their scenes and give each other feedback. Feedback is charted to help students remember and apply feedback. Follow one student, Noel, as […]

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Legend Indian Paintbrush Reem photo

4th Grade Curriculum Connections – Studying Native American Folktales

As part of their Native American Folktale study, Ms. Angelo’s 4th grade class reads and discusses “The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush”. They create a list of characters in preparation for the first session with Teaching Artist Sarah Provost. Ms. Angelo takes this opportunity to deepen student understanding of story elements.

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