Fourth grade students in Chris Heller’s theater residency at PS 239q devise scenes based on The Private Notebook of Katie Roberts, Age 11, a text from the curriculum. Throughout the process students share their scenes and give each other feedback. Feedback is charted to help students remember and apply feedback. Follow one student, Noel, as […]
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Tags: 239Q feedback formative assessment grade 4 revision theater
Revising Student Work in Theater
Midway through their Theater Residency, Eric Mark Olson’s 5th grade students rehearse and perform scripted monologues. Each student receives feedback from a small group of peers, and is able to improve his or her monologue performance.
Tags: 230K formative assessment grade 5 revision theater
Using Revision to Deepen Student Work in Puppetry
Erin Orr’s 3rd grade puppetry students are rehearsing a shadow puppet show in front of their classmates, who have been asked to observe and give feedback. One student suggests that the performers make their show more surprising. This inspires Erin Orr to ask each student to perform their line of narration in a new way.
Tags: 130K formative assessment grade 3 puppetry revision
The Creative Learning Loop
Formative Assessment in the Arts Artistic creation in all art forms is an iterative process: collaboration, critique and revision are essential, especially in the performing arts. The fundamentals of teaching and learning made visible in the arts are mirrored in the procedural knowledge that is key to student achievement of the Common Core State Standards. […]
Tags: clear criteria feedback formative assessment revision The Creative Learning Loop